Worried about your home security?Worried about your home security?

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Worried about your home security?

I'm very passionate about home security systems. I believe that prevention is better than a cure, so over the years I've learned a great deal about how to keep potential intruders out of my home--both physically, with high-security doors and windows, and psychologically, with deterrents and markers that indicate my home is simply not worth the effort. To help you do the same, I've started a blog to discuss low-cost ways of protecting your home that are effective and entirely within the bounds of reasonableness. I'll also be explaining how these measures don't have to be unsightly; you'll find no ugly chain-link fences here!

The Most Common Materials Used in Security Doors

We know that security doors are important for securing our homes or businesses by keeping the bad guys out. However, they also come in handy during bad weather such as floods and tornadoes. These sturdy and durable doors have many different uses that make a significant difference in our properties. Not all security doors are the same. Different doors are made of different types of material. Explore some of the most common materials that make security doors so sturdy and durable. Read More 

3 Benefits of Installing an Advanced Home Monitoring Security System

A break-in is every homeowner's worst nightmare. In an effort to stop thieves from attacking their property, many people have installed a home alarm system in their home. However, many thieves have now developed sophisticated ways of by-passing these systems. For extra piece of mind, you may want to consider installing a more advanced home-monitoring system in your house. A home monitoring system provides a range of additional features which will help to keep your property secure. Read More 

Security Window Screen Installation: Why It Is Not Just a Security Upgrade

Just when you thought that you had secured all potential entry points into your home, criminals decide to throw a curveball at you – one day, you return home from work or somewhere else only to find that your home has been broken into by burglars. One of the most common points of entry for criminals in many cases of home break-ins is the windows. Yet, windows are often not properly secured by most homeowners. Read More 

Where to Place Surveillance Cameras at Home

If you are looking to upgrade the security system in your home, you might be thinking about surveillance cameras. These are a great way to keep an eye on your property, while also tracking down someone who was caught breaking in, since you can bring the footage to the police. Here are some of the top places to put your surveillance cameras. The Front and Back Doors One of the first places people think to put a security camera at home is near the front door. Read More 

Best Security Systems and Options for Landlords

If you're trying to decide on a security system for your investment property, there are a range of things you should consider. Here's a look at some of the equipment you may want to put in your rental as well as some tips on best practices: 1. Cameras Security cameras allow you to check on the property when you are not there, and of course, they can catch criminals in action. Read More